Its been some time since I wrote. I got discouraged, I would write and try to post a picture and it would all diapppear and nothing would post. I will try without a picture this time.
This has been a busy week. Thursday Jerry and I went to Grandpa Greens when Grandma called and said he couldn't get up, he was too weak. We got there and called the ambulance. It was almost 4 hours before we found out that they could not find anything the matter but they were going to keep him over night in the hospital for observation.He had a good supper, a good night sleep, a good breakfast and shower and a good lunch and Jerry and I took him home on Friday.
I checked on him after work today and he is doing good. Aunt Eunice and Uncle Don came back down today.Grandpa is to have in home physical therapy starting next week. I sure hope he will do it and Grandma will join in too.