Sunday, November 23, 2008



Las Vegas

We flew to Las Vegas last Monday for the NSPI show. Pretty much the same as the last time we went. Much of the same suppler. Lots of spas but not our Hot Spring spas.Bio Guard was there and also Omni products.It was a good get away for us.We went to a variaty show and also saw the inside of a few very large resorts. Its amazing how large those places are. Scott and Heather had a darling baby girl when we were there so we saw them in the hospital.We also went to the Las Vegas temple on Thursday. We flew home on Friday so all back to the normal again. We got a call from Rhonda on Friday letting us know that Tommy has cancer. He is to have more tests done on Tuesday so keep him in your prayers.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Jerry left this morning. He went to Corvallis first. He was suppose to be there at noon to help set Don apart to the high council. He then drove to Kenniwick, Washington on his way to Steve's.He will spend the night there and go on in to Moscow on Sunday. Monday at 9:30 he has an appointment to have his shoulder checked out. He will then head back home.His shoulder is doing great so next week he will probably start physical therapy with Mike.


Its been some time since I wrote. I got discouraged, I would write and try to post a picture and it would all diapppear and nothing would post. I will try without a picture this time.
This has been a busy week. Thursday Jerry and I went to Grandpa Greens when Grandma called and said he couldn't get up, he was too weak. We got there and called the ambulance. It was almost 4 hours before we found out that they could not find anything the matter but they were going to keep him over night in the hospital for observation.He had a good supper, a good night sleep, a good breakfast and shower and a good lunch and Jerry and I took him home on Friday.
I checked on him after work today and he is doing good. Aunt Eunice and Uncle Don came back down today.Grandpa is to have in home physical therapy starting next week. I sure hope he will do it and Grandma will join in too.